>>>>> 'THOUGHTS' <<<<<
---for: 'Progress' & ---'SANITY'!
***** 'Have-You-Heard-The-Latest' ---? *****
.....'BOOZE' ---'Impregnated' with ---'CAFFEINE'/'GINSENG'/'GUARANA' ! ---(?) .....'oH-yEA' ? ...'This' will Help ---'Saging-Sales'! ...?...(...'Oh', & 'We' ---'All' know about ---'Saging'...? & ---'Didn't they use to 'Call-This' an: ---'Eight-Ball'...???) 'Yea'...? ---'But ---'Guess-What'? It 'Still' --- 'JAM's-UP's the: ---'Hospital' ---"DE"-INCUBATION-BINS' to ---'Over-Flow-Capacity'! ***** "PEOPLE" ***** >>> 'STOP' - 'BEING' - 'A' - 'NUT-CASE' - "DRUG-ADDICT"! <<< * <<< 'Start' - 'being' - 'A' - "sane" - 'casE' ---'Person-In-Touch' ! >>>
Let's ---'Get-Down' with: 'ANTI-DEPRESSANTS' !!! (...'do You do ---'Anti-Depressants' ?(...'YOU-FOOLS' ...!!!) Did You 'Hear' the latest News from our, Southern-State? 'Get-This': 15-Year-Old(...FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD-"CHILD"' ...) ---'KILL-BOTH-PARENTS' ...!!! (...'Gee, I wonder 'Why' ...?) >>>'I'LL-TELL-YOU-WHY' !!! <<< a) The Child is: 'STRUNG-OUT-ON-"SPEED"'(...'tink' Caffeine'...)! b) Has a: 'Quack-Perscription' for ---'ZOLOFF'! c) The Parents are: 1) 'BRAIN-WASHED' into thinking 'ZOLOFF' is 'Good' for Bobby! 2) 'STRUNG-OUT' on 'Speed' themselves! 3) 'BRAIN-WASHED' into 'Thinking' that: (...'We-Quackers' ...'Don't-Understand' the: ..."Origin"-of-Depression' ...???) & 4) ' "DEAD" ...'because of it' ...!!! *** Don't Forget*** 'Ladies & Gentlemen', if You ---'Go-UP' ..."YOU" ---'Must-Come-Down' ...!!! ( a ...'Very-Simple-"EQUATION" ...! ...'But' / & ---'NO-BODY' likes to ---'GO-DOWN' ...do they...??? ...'Wow' again ...!) That's where the: 'Acceptable-Doctor' ---"ZOLOFF-PEDDLER-PUSHER" comes to ---'Mind'...!!! 'Comes To ---'BLOOD' ...!!! & ---'COMES-TO-"ADDICTION"' ...!!! >>> ''Yea' ...??? <<< (.....'Keep-coming-back'! : Steve)
.....'NO-BODY' ---'Knows' where: ---'ALZIHMERS' comes from'? (...'Give-Me-a-Break' ...!) >>>'You can't: ---'Attack', 'Abuse', 'Inundate', 'Piss-On'(...'Piss-Off...'), 'Shit-On' & 'Over-Dose' & 'OVER-DOSE' & Totally ---'BURN' & 'SIZZLE' a: ---'Perfect-Nervous-System' for, 'Say': ---30-50 Years, with-out, ---'Plane & Simple', ---'Fucking-It-Up-Badly'! (.....'What-the-Fuck' is: ...'With-You'? ...'Anyway'? ...'Your a 'God-Dam' "JUNKIE", that's 'What'?}) 'CAFFEINE' is a: 'Fried-Nutcase' w/ 'Alzeheimer-Gravy' !!!(...in the 'Long-Haul' !) & a: 'Daily-Addicted', 'SICK-NESS-FIX' !!!(...in the 'Short-Haul' !) >>>'Don't 'EVER' Forget: ---'YOU' were ---'BORN' with a: ...'PERFECT'---'NERVOUS'---'SYSTEM' !!! ---'Don't "EVER" forget: ---"This" ...!!!
.....'How many 'Cola's' do Your Kids ---??? ..."pOP-A-dAY"...??? How many ---'Ridilin' are you putting in their ---'Little-Lunch-Boxes' ...? 'How many 'Prozak' has ***'YOUR'*** Dr. 'Suggested' to keep ---'In-YOUR-Purse' ...??? (...'You didn't get them ---'Off-the-Street', did You' ? .....'YOUR ...'Bull-Shitting' Me ...???)
.....'Here's one of My: --- 'Best-Questions-Ever'! >>> 'WHAT'S THE 'DIFFERENCE' BETWEEN'<<<: (...'Think-About-It' ----'Knot-Head'...) ...'the ---'DIFFERENCE' between:
>>> 'THE-WAR-ON-DRUGS' <<<< & --- 'Safeway' --- 'FOOD & DRUGS' ? <<< (...'Doesn't that get 'Your-Mind' (...'what's-Left-of-it'...) ---'Racing'...? (... 'just a 'little' bit?) >>>'THINK'<<< about that: ---'Question'?
{.....'Best-Answer'... "WINS": 'Teacher's-Pet' & the: 'Front-Stool' ...!!!. ...'ohhhhhhhh'...!!!}
.....'DON'T 'Blame' the 'Guy' on the Freeway ---'UP-YOUR-ASS'!!! He: 'Can't-Help-It'! (...'Forgive-Them', for They, 'No-Not' what They do'!)
.....'You're a 'Kid' ! You're: 'Young' ! You're: 'Vibrant' & 'Alive' ! You're 'Filled' with: 'Life', 'Sap', & 'Happiness' !(...yea, But ...)You're: 'STRUNG-OUT-ON-"SPEED"(...'Caffeine' ...!!!) & ...'BRAIN-WASHED' Too ...!!! ('They' ...) call-it: 'ADHD'...!!! 'Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity ---"Disorder" ...!!! 'What a Bunch of: 'FUCKING-BULL-SHIT' ...!!! 'This is the: 'Brain-Washed', 'Bull-Shit', 'Butt-Ugly', 'Bastard-ized', & 'Bogus' ..."PHRASE" ...for a: 'Drug-Induced', 'Mutated', "ADDICTED" & ---'Short-Changed' ---'TURD-OF-A-HUMAN-LIFE', *CAFFEINE-ADDICTED-LOOSER ...!!! ('U 'tink' i'm ...'Bull-Shitting-You'?) ..."SHAME-ON-THEM" ...!!!(...Psycho-Psychiatrists!)
.....Do You 'Think' the: "High-School-Massacre's" were 'Caused-By'(multiple-choice): a.} 'Pure: 'Lunch-Time-Lemonade'? b.} a 'Well-Made': 'Tuna-Sandwich'? or c.} 'the... 'ADDICTIVE-MAKE-UP' of: 'Chocolate-Candy-Bars'(ALL w/Addicting-Caffeine!) & ...'Cola's(w/Addictive-Caffeine!)?
....."Let's Talk: ---'SINUS-PROBLEMS'? ...'Yea'! (...'Do You still, 'Break-Open' the 'Contact' & ---'CHARGE-UP' on the 'Yellow-Pieces' only'?) ...'Yea, again'! >>> 'FRIENDS' >>> 'It turns out, one of the ---'Hardest-Things' we are 'Up-Against' is: .....'One-on-One' ---'Communication'! I say 'Hardest' because we are ---'ALL-SO-JACKED-UP', that in 'Public-Confrontations'(...'Socializing), Our 'Nervous-System' is ---'MEGA-OVER-LOADED'(...'in-Essence', We are: 'ALL-GOING-COLD-TURKEY' for ---'Some-Type' of ---'PHYSIOLOGICAL-SOOTHING'!) Yep, 'This' is where I 'Pull-Out' the ---'Contact-Capsuls'! Some Kind of ---'Snort'! 'Yeaaa'! 'Drive-Through-Expresso'! ...'Give-Me-a--'Jolt' ---'Baby'! 'Yea'! ---The: 'Inhaler'! 'Wow'! ...The: 'Sinus-Tabs'! 'Yea'! ---'TABS'...??? (...'again'...) "TABS" ...??? ...'ohhhh' ...!!! ' How-Bout' ---'Poppers'? 'Ya-Like' ---"POPPERS' ...? 'What about ...'Meds' ? ...'Oh-Groovvyy'! ...Yes-again'! ...The: ---'CHOCOLATE-BAR ...??? ('... 'Next-Best' thing to: 'Sex'/'Masturbation'! ...'Wouldn't You say-so, too, Blanch'?) The: 'Nasel-Sniffer'...? ...'Outch'! The: 'Antihistimine-Spray'! 'The: ---'DR.-PRESCRIPTION' FOR ---"NARCOTICS"'?????? >>>>>>>>>>>>> 'ALL-IN-THE-'NAME-OF': ---"Doctor-Induced" ...***SOCIALIZED***ADDICTED-PAIN***ADDICTED-SLAVERY*** ...???????????(&.....'Did I ---'Abstain' from my ---'Hot-Morning-Beverage'?) ...'Of course You didn't ...You ---'Fucking-Fool'...? 'You're 'Strung-Out' on "SPEED" ...!!! *** Just like that ---'Junkie'-YOU-Are' ...!!! ---'Every-Where' .....?
.....Now, 'Shifting-Gears' ..."SUGAR-IS-FOOD"! (...the: 'Most-Highly-'Processed'/'Consentrated'/'Refined'-"Food"-Made'!) ---So, 'Think': 'FOOD'! ('Do 'NOT' get ---'Confussed' with ---'This' One'!) >>> Now, 'On-the-Other-Hand' ---'Caffeine' is: ---'NOT' a ---'Food'! >>>'CAFFEINE' ---is a: "DRUG"! <<< 'Better-Yet' ---'Caffeine' is an: ***** 'ADDICTIVE-DRUG' ***** ---(...'Can-We-All-
Say': ---'Addictive-Drug'?...') 'The: *** 'WORST-DRUG' *** !!! .....'Obviously', from the 'LIVES' it brings to the: ---'GRAVE'S'!!!! (...'w/'Short-Stay' at: 'Hospital-Junk-Yards'!)
.....You 'know', I just thought how: 'Sweet-Rhyming' Caffeine is with:
"Yea": >>>>> 'Caffeine' / ('Meth')'Amphetamine'(...the 'Family-Drug'...!) / 'Nicotine' / 'Phenelzine' / 'Clozapine' / 'Benzedrine' / 'Phenylpropanolamine' / 'Theophylline' / 'Morphine'(...'Heroin') / 'Histomine' & ... "CRACK-EINE"! .....'ALL' the Most: 'DISTRUCTIVE' / 'ADDICTIVE' / 'BRAIN' & 'NASEL' ---"RAPEING" / 'GARBAGE-YOU-CAN-"INGEST"!!!
(.....'Hey', he sounds 'Pretty-Serious' ...?)
.....'Gad-Jooks' 'This "IS" My: 'Heaviest-Question-Ever'............................{ 'Let's 'Call-It': The: >>> 'INDUCED-EPIDEMIC'! <<<}
*WHY* Isn't: --- *A-N-Y-B-O-D-Y* --- *Addressing* --- *C-A-F-F-E-I-N-E* ?
*WHY* Is: --- *C-A-F-F-E-I-N-E* --- *ADDICTING* ---*E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y* ?
(...'Super-Best-Answer' ---'WINS': ---'Marriage-to-Me' &
'World-Jet-Set-Travel'! ---'Passed: ---'ETERNITY'!
...{''Sorry', ---'No, 'De-Caff'., either'!})
.....Now, 'IF-YOU-GO-UP' ---'You' ---'MUST-COME-DOWN'! 'This does NOT take a: 'Brain-Surgeon' to ---'Figure-Out'! >>>Then: 'WHY', once-again, is this ---'Not-Being-Addressed' ...??? No, lets just: "PASS-OUT' ---'ANIT-DEPRESSANTS' when ...'We-All' Feel ---''D-O-W-N' ...??? When ...'We-All' Feel Our ---'Happiness-Level has ---''DROPPED' ...??? >>>'PEOPLE'<<< ...'The 'ONLY-WAY' to --- 'Stay-Healthy' is to Be: ---'ALIVE-HEALTHY' ...'With-Out' ... 'Stimulants'...!!! & ... To 'THINK-HIGHER" than ---'SPEED' & ...''BE-NOW' with---'Health'! (...Wouldn't you ---'Tink' YOUR 'Doctor' 'IS-Forgetting' to ...'Tell-You' ---'SOMETHING' ...???)
.....'This' Otta ---'Blow-You-Away'! 'As-Far-As-I'm-Concerned' --- 'Cancer',(...& I 'WILL' ---'Refrain' from using this: 'Mentally-Distructive', 'Double-Speak' Word anywhere else on My 'Web-Page'...) is 'Nothing-More' than: ---'Your' ---'Nervous-System' ---''EATING-YOU' .....from the ---'INSIDE-OUT'! (...'Not-Quite' the 'Answer' your Doctors gave You' ...?) ...'Got-It' ?
..... *IT~IS~EATING~YOU* ... ??? & ... *YOU~ARE~FEEDING~IT* ... ???
.....'Ovariun-Hurting'? 'Breast-Hurting'? 'Prostate-Hurting'? 'Pancreititis-Hurting'? 'Belching-Hurting'? 'Emphizema-Hurting'? 'Alcohol-Poisoning-Hurting'? 'Finger-Biting-Hurting'? 'Migrain-Hurting'? 'Sweaty-Palm-Hurting'? 'Chest-Pain-Hurting'? 'Drive-By-Shooting-Hurting'? 'Car-Jack-Hurting'! 'High-School-Shooting-Hurting'? 'Doctor-'BILLS'-Hurting'? 'School-Massacure-Hurting'? 'Machoed-Cop-Brotherhood-Hurting'? 'Doctor-Double-Speak-Hurting'? 'Bondowed-Face-Hurting'? 'Macho-Prick-Hurting'? 'Lies-on-Lies-Hurting'? 'War-on-Drug-Hurting'? ...& on & on & on & on?
.....'We're' ---'Jump-Started' in the Morning(...'just like an: "Old-Fucked-Up-'Jalapy-Car'...) with 'CAFFEINE'! (---'Hey-Dude', gimme some of that 'Tasty-Texas-"Ice-Tea" ...'NOW' !!!) 'Only to be 'Shut-Down' in the Evening with: 'BOOZE', 'TRANQS.', 'DRUG-CONCOCTIONS', & ---'SLEEPING-PILLS'? ('Just ...'Think' about 'That' for a moment? ... 'Sleeping-Pills' ? ...'You-ALL' ...'ARE': ---'Fucked-Up'!)
..... 'Get-a-Load' of the: 'Adrinilin-Addicted'-'Back-Bone' of ---'This-Here' --- 'GREAT-AMERICAN(...'Healthy-Not'...)-SOCIETY' ...!!! Yep:
..... The: 'Steroid-Freakoid' 'SPORTS' / 'FOOTBALL' ---'Team-Tight-Players' ...!!!
(...'America' doesn't have much ---'Vitality-Sap' left-in-it, at this
Rate of: ---'CAFFEINE-CONSUMPTION' ...?)
.....'Any-'COMMENTS' ...?
.....'Which brings up the 'Next-Saga'? ...'WHAT' do ---'You-Think' the: 'Strength-of-Our-Nation' would be like, ---'IF' ---'We 'LOST' Our: 'CAFFEINE-IMPORTS'? (...'Coffee', 'Cola', Chocolate'?) ---'Our' ---'CONNECT'...? 'Well, I'll 'Tell-You': 'We'ed be at the: 'Dr. Office' for the 'Biggest-Perscription' of: 'MIGRAIN-HEADACHE-CREAM' ---'You-Ever-Saw'! We'ed be at the 'Grocery-Store' for a: 'Thirty-Pack'(30) of: 'NERVOUS-AGITATION-"BOOZE-JUICE"! & ---'We'ed' be at Our 'Favorite-Friends-Front-Door' for a: 'STREET-LEVEL-"NARCOTIC-FIX"...!!! (...'We'ed be there with: 'Blood', 'Booze', & ---'Sex-for-Pay' --- with: 'BLOODY'-'SCREAMING'-"RATIONALIZING" ...!!!)
>>>>>>>>>> *PEOPLE* <<<<<<<<<<
(.....'All-This' makes me 'Think' about the latest 'Museum-Heist' in Norway(8/04), of the: 'Scream' by: Munch! The Painting was ''Influenced' by the 'Themes' of the Time', 1884: ''SICKNESS'? 'Death'? 'Anxiety'? & ...''LOVE'?)
..... "Please": *HELP~ME~WITH~THIS~ONE* .........
.....'Call-Now'! ---'Join-Me'! ---'Set-Yourself'' ---''FREE'! 'Learn' for: 'Your-Families'! ---'Longevity'! 'Learn' for: 'Your Future 'Health' & ---'Happiness' ! & 'LEARN' ---for: ---'OUR-"ADDICTED"-SOCIETY'! ................... 'Learn' the: --- 'TRUTH' !
.....('and the 'Truth-Is': ---'NEVER-EAT-"DONUTS"! They are: 'Fried' ! 'ALWAYS-EAT': ---'Pastries'! 'They are: --- 'Baked'!)