...Earlier: Front-Page ..."HEAD-ON" ---'Headlines' ...!!!

6/06 ...Now, it's --- "Mental-Illness" ...!!! ... 'Mental-Illness-This' ? ... 'Mental-Illness-That' ? ... 'Mental-Illness-My-PINK-Ass" ...!!! *** "MENTAL-ILLNESS" *** DOES "NOT" EXIST *** (...as-would-the: 'Quacks'/'Drug-Company'/'Promoters of ...'Career-Patients' & ...'Other-DEVILS-of-Death' ---'Would Want You to "BELIEVE" ...!!!) In 'Actuality', to the Present-Day & 'Time', WE as Adults, are: "Mammothly-Confussed" & ..."Historically-Un-Healthy" ...! >>> 'DAY-IN' & 'DAY-OUT' <<< {'They'} ...'Confuse' You with: 'Bi-Polar'! {'They'} ...'Lie' to You with: 'Manic-Depressive'! {'They'} ...'Take Cash($) from You with: 'Anti-Depressants' ...! {'They'} 'Instill' in You with: ...'Addiction'...! {'They'} 'Fuck-With-You' with: 'Psychiatry' ...! {'They'} 'Deeply-Hurt-You' with: 'Over-Prescribed-Meds' ...! {'They'} 'Belittle-You' with: 6-Min. Visits' ...! {'They'} 'Teach-You' with: ...'Lies' ...!!! {'They'} ...'KILL-YOU' with: ..."NOT - ADDRESSING - "CAFFEINE" ...!!!
5/06 ...Here We go 'Kids' ...'THIS-WEEK': 'Right under Your-Own ---"Burned-Out" MIND & ...'Nostrils' >>> 'Kids'/"Your-Kids"/'Their-Kids'/'No-Ones-Kids'/'Fat-Kids'/'My-Kids'/'Happy-Kids'/'Deviant-Kids'/'Lazy-Kids'/'Abused-Kids' & ...'Ferry-Kids'/'Smart-Kids'/'Dead-Kids'/'Dumb-Kids'/'Mixed-Up-Kids'/'Fucked-Up' & ..."Fried-Kids"/'Lost-Kids'/'Home-less-Kids'/'Fragil-Kids'/'Almost-ALL-Kids' ...well, ...'Guess-What' ...'Ba-Ba'? ...their...'ALL' ---"SPUN-ON-CAFFEINE"/"CO-CO"/"SPEED"/"RIDILIN"/"COLAS"/"COFFEE" / "HYPE" /" CHOCOLATE-CANDY-BARS" / "INHALERS" / "STARBUCKS" / "GLUE"/ "ENERGY-DRINK"/"MOM'S-MEDS"/"GREEN-IES"/"DIET-PILLS"/"SCRIPS"/"STEROIDS" & "STREET-CRANK"/"DAD'S-DRUGS'/"QUACKS"/"DRANO"/..."DESIGNER-PEP-PILLS" @ "COLLEGE" ***"BOUGHT' & "SOLD"*** (...just like the 'Mafia-Under-World'!) & ..."TOTAL-ADDICTION" ...!!! >>>>> "ACROSS-THE-NATION" --- It's --- "DROP-OUT-NATION" <<<<< ...Gee? ... I 'Wonder-Why'?
4/06 >>>Hey, lets talk: 'RAGE' ? ..."JEALOUS-RAGE" ...??? How about: 'ROAD-RAGE' ? What about: 'DOMESTIC-RAGE' ? ---'AIR-RAGE' ? 'FAMILY & ..."JEALOUS-RAGE"? 'Yea' ? ...& ---'CHILD-RAGE', too ...??? >>> 'Look-Around', Friends! <<< ...It ..."IS" ---'RAMPANT'!!! (...&, I wonder 'WHY' ?) ..."Think" about it for a 'Minute', you "Loosers" ...!!! (...you got a ...'Second' ? .....You: ..."NERVOUS-RATS"...???) *** {You: "Caffeine-Freaks"...???} (...'ONES OWN ---"INCAPACITY" TO RESTRAIN ---"VIOLENT-EMOTIONS" & "PHYSICAL-OUT-BREAKS" ...???) 'Get-a-Clue', You ---"ADDICTED-LOOSERS" !!! >>> 'END-"ACCEPTED"-CAFFEINE' ...!!! <<< ???"DIG-IT"??? ***"Caffeine"*** 'Pits' ---'US' ...against ---"US"...!!! ??? ('DoYouReadMeYouCaffeine-Junkies' ...?????) ~~~~~'Have 'We-All' ---'Forgotten' that ---'Life' w/Out ---'Stimulants' ----- "IS" ---'L-I-F-E' ...??? >>>>> 'My ...'Only' ---"QUESTION": ...'WE' are ---'Perfect-Creatures' ...!!!(?) 'WHY' ...'Mess-Up' a ---'GOOD-THING' ...??? ...'I'll tell You "Why" !!! "FOR-THE-GOD-DAM-"MONEY", that's "Why"!!! "THEY" ---"INDUCE-DEATH" so-as-to ---"RAPE-YOU-FINANCIALLY" ---!!! ..."FOR-THE-"REST"-OF-YOUR: ---"DIBILITATED"/"ADDICTED"/"SHORT-CHANGED" ---"CAREER-PATIENT-LIFE"...!!! (...'with nothing more than a: "BULL-SHIT" & "NON-CARING" ...2-bit: 'HELLO'/'GOOD-BY'!!!)   "Caffeine" ...'IS' a ---"BAND-AID" !!! ... & ...'What's-More'... 'CAFFEINE' ...'IS' a ---"DEATH"-AID' !!! ***** "CAFFEINE" 'IS' "DEATH" ***** !!! (.....'and don't --- "FRIGGIN-FORGET-IT" You ---"Dime-Bag-Loosers" ...!!!) .....'REALITY' now, has "NOTHING" to do with ----'Stimulants'!! .....'Obviously'!!! ---'Look-Around'??? *'DIG-IT'* & *"GET-A-CLUE"* ...!!!  "YOU" either ..."Bondo-Your-Face" every Morning' !!! or ---"CHEW-ON-IT" ...'Daily' ...??? (....'Your "OWN" ---'Warn-out-Face" ...???) 'Work-with-me' on 'This' One...??? ...'Ah-Da' ...??? {...'Ah-Da' ...'Again'?} ..."POSSIBLE": ---'Minute' ---"Awakening" ...???

6/06 ..."Dis-Order's" ...? ...'Nervous-Disorder'! & ...'Eating-Disorder'! & ...'Sexual-Disorder's'! & ...'Divient-Disorder'! & ...'Obesity-Disorder's'! & ...'Migrain-Disorder's'! & ...'NOW': >>>i.e.d. 'Disorder'! <<< "INTERMITTANT-EXPLOSIVE-DISORDER" ...!!! (...give-me-a-fucking-break'!) *** Another*** ...'BULL-SHIT' / 'HYPED-UP' / 'BRAIN-WASHING' / 'DRUG-INDUCING' & a..."SUPER-SCARE-TACTIC-MISLEADING-PHRASE" for: ... ''R-O-A-D - R-A-G-E" ...!!! ( ...'gOD-dAM-iT, pEOPLE', GET YOUR 'fUCKING-hEADS' ...'oUT-OF-YOUR-'gOD-dAM-aSS-hOLES' ...!) "ROAD-RAGE" (...THAT ...'bASTARD'-uP-yOUR-aSS' on the Freeway dUDE...) is the: ...'ULTIMATE-EXAMPLE' of ..."YOU"! ...that: "SPEED-FREAK" ...'ABSOLUTELY-ADDICTED-TO-"CAFFEINE"-LOOSER' ...!!! (...'You-Addicted-Fragel-Phoney'...!)
5/06 ...    >>> "Tragic-Social-Event"! <<<

"Propaganda": ..."Daily-Gastric-Gulping-Heart-Burn-Belches"...! + ..."Daily-Addicted-Fixes" of ---"Caffeine"...!! + ..."Daily-Spoonfuls" of ---'Baking-Powder"...!!! (...same as: 'Anti-Acids'!) &...more ...'Shit' ...later! {...'literally'!} ...'You-got-it'? ...Good! ( ***Now*** .....I want: 'No-Lip' ! & ...'No-Fat' !!!) .....'Get-This' ...!!! 'NOW' ...we're suppost to 'Accept' ---'Over-Weight' ---'Fat-People', ...because of a ---'Growing-Trend' ...??? ... "GET-REAL" ...!!! >>> 2/3rds <<< of --- "ALL-AMERICANS" are ... "FAT"- AS -"SHIT"...??? (...Lets 'Not' make ...'Fun-of-Fatties'...! & ...'Fat-Chicks-Rule' ---"COFFINS"!!! ...only!) but ..."Get-A-Clue" --- "FAT-AMERICA" !!! >>> "They're" / "You're" <<< ...'ADDICTED'-to-"CAFFEINE"...!!! .....'Plain' & ...'Simple'...!!! >>> "NEXT-WEEK": *** 42-MILLION-DOSES...!!!( 2005 alone!) ..."Sleeping-PILL-Binging" !!! <<< (...'oh' ---"Shit" ?)

3/06 ...

"ONCE-AGAIN" !!! ---'You-"Asked"-For-It' !!! .....'RETURNING-NEXT-WEEK': ---"Troubled-Cop-Pricks" ...!!! "Eyes" ...'FIZZING-ON-SPEED"(...behind the ...'Lone-Rangers'!) "STRUNG-OUT"---'On-the-JOB': "Blows"/"Exposure"/"Diet"/"Finikies"/"CRISP"...'Cub-Scout-Suits'/(...'their' )'Battered-Wives'/'BrotherHood" & % of: ---'HOMOS' !!! (...'troubling'!!!) >>>"Hoody-Good-Partner"<<< ...'What-Is-Happening'? ...This-Week: "Childhood-Obesity"...!!! (...'it's: "KILLING"-MORE-"CHILDREN"-THAN-"CIGARETTE-SMOKING"...!!!) 'Got any ...'Good': ---"BULL-SHIT-ANSWERS" as to ...'WHY' ---"OUR-CHILDREN" are so ---"Fucking-FAT"...??? ...Well now, 'All You 'Fat-Fucks' & 'All You ..."CAFFEINE-Addicted-FOOLS" ..."YOU" had better go ---'COLD-TURKEY'.?(...and "DUMP" the 'Hot-Morning-Beverage'...???) befor "YOUR-CHILDREN" are ---"DEAD-as-Beans' & GONE" ...!!! 'Got-It'? >>>"THEIR-FAT-AS-PIGS"! >>>"THEIR-FAT-AS-FAT"! >>>"THEIR-FAT-AS-"YOU"! & >>>"THEIR-FAT-AS-DEATH"! ..."All-Caused-By' ---(...'Caffeine-Induced'..)"NERVOUS-EATING"! >>>"NERVOUS-LIVING"! >>>"NERVOUS-LYING"! & >>>"NERVOUS-NERVES"! You're 'Either' going to: 'GET-REAL-FAT' or ...'GET-REAL-SKINNY' with Your (...'Acceptable'...) 'Caffeine'/Speed' ---"DRUGS"!!! (...'more on 'Getting-Real-Skinny' later!)

2/06 ...& ..."WHEN" Do The 'Doctors' ---"GET-"OFF"-OF-IT" ...???(..like ---'COP' to 'Their' ---"Designer-Drug" ..."Poison-'CANDY'-Substitutes" ...???) ...maybe: ..."SUGGEST" that this-here: "COLOSSAL-U.S.A.-HOSPITAL-COST" ---"IS" (...ah-da...)---"ALL-CAUSED-BY-"THEM" ...!!! (..."WE" ...the "Killing" & "THEIVING-MACHINE" ...'DoctorS' ---of "LIES" &"DECEITS" & 'bad-vibe-money-blood'...!!!) ...'ARE-YOU-ALL-"BRAIN-DEAD"??? ..."PEOPLE"!!! ***"WAKE-UP"*** {OR BETTER PUT: 'give up all 'Stimulant- Products: 'Cola', 'Coffee', 'Chocolate', and become who you really are?) ..."GET A CLUE" !!!  $$100$$ "Per-Minute-Fees" ...??? "COME-TO-THE-TABLE"!!! "FACE-UP-TO-YOUR-$$100$$-DOLLAR-PER-MINUTE-CHARGES"?(...while, 'FUCKING-OVER' & 'GOUGING' ---'INSURANCE-COMPANIES' & ..."YOUR-OWN" ---'LIVING-BLOOD', 'IDENTICAL' ---'MEN' & 'WOMEN' OF-"SAME-FLESH"???) ...'That "They" ...'Too' ---"BLEED"!!! ---"BLOOD"/"FEELINGS" & 'Liberty' ---"TOO'??? "FUCK-THE-DOCTOR-KINGDOM"!!! "Announce-It-Today"!!! "TAKE-THEIR-EGO" & "CRUSH-IT-LIKE-SALT"/'SEEPING-IN'!! 'Let them "BE-HUMBLE" to the 'Citizens' they 'STRIVE-TO-DOMINATE'!!! "DOWN-WITH-THE-EGOMANIAC-DOCTOR' ---"BROTHERHOOD" OF: "KILLER" & "THEIVES"!!!


B.F.A. Graphics and Illustrations, University of Pennsylvania


Interesting people, histories of WWI and WWII, comic books, video games, train stations.

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